JEE / NEET Coaching Class
Kolhapur Location New

Defence Career Academy ,My school ,Near Choundeshwari Cotton Mill, Sangli- Kolhapur Highway, A/P Chipri. Tal, Shirol, Dist, Kolhapur, Maharashtra 416101

Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar Phone

080 474 95777    | 080 474 98777
+91 9341959595 | +91 9343959595

New Entrance exam for 5th to 12th Std. Boys has been scheduled on 23rd February 2025 (Only for Kolhapur Campus) New

Joint Entrance Examination
(JEE Main & JEE Adv)


  • Candidates are required to fill the Jee Main Application Form only.
  • No other modes will be released from the first week of December.
  • Candidate can submit only one application form. More than one application form filling will lead to rejection.
  • There is no need to send the printed application form to the CBSE Board.

Stages For Selection Process

  1. 10+2 With PCM Group
  2. Written Exam
  3. Merit List
  4. Counselling to get a College


  1. Candidates appearing / passed 12th or equivalent exam with PCM are eligible to apply.
  2. Candidates who have passed 12th or equivalent exam in 2014 are not eligible to apply.
  3. Number of Subjects in 12th: Aspirants should have minimum five subjects in 12th/qualifying examination.
  4. Number of Attempts: Candidate can attempt JEE Main exam three times only.
  5. Diploma (3 years) holders are also eligible to apply.

Age Criteria

Candidates age should be 18 to 25 years.

Notification 2018 2019 2020 2021
JEE Exam 01 Oct 1993 to 01 Oct 2000 01 Oct 1994 to 01 Oct 2001 01 Oct 1995 to 01 Oct 2002 01 Oct 1996 to 01 Oct 2003


JEE (Main)— shall have two papers, Paper - 1 (B.E. / B. Tech.) and Paper-2(B. Arch. / B. Planning). Depending upon on the courses candidates are seeking admission, may take Paper - 1 B.E. / B. Tech.), or Paper - 2 B. Arch. / B. Planning), or both.

Subject combination for each paper, type of Questions in each paper and mode of examination available is given

Section Subject Type Of Questions Mode Of Exam
Paper 1 (B.E. / B.Tech.) Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics Objective type with equal weightage to Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics Pen & Paper Based Exam or Computer Based Exam
Paper 2 (B.Arch. / B.Planning) Mathematics - Part I
Aptitude Test - Part II
Drawing Test - Part III
Objective type
Objective type
Questions to test drawing aptitude
Only Pen & Paper Based Exam

Requirement of papers for different Courses

Course Paper
All other undergraduate courses (B.E. / B.Tech.) Paper - 1
B.Arch. / B.Planning (At Institutions other than IITs) Paper - 2

JEE Main Paper I

  1. Courses : It is held for Engineering courses (B.Tech / BE).
  2. Number of Questions : It is consisted of 82 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) out of which 30 questions from mathematics, 50 Questions from aptitude test and 2 questions (descriptive) of drawing test.
  3. Subjects : The paper will be asked from subjects as Mathematics, Aptitude, Drawing.
  4. Language : Hindi, English (candidates can select while filling the application form)
  5. Mode : It will be commenced via offline mode.
  6. Duration : 3 hours. (4 hours for the candidates haying 40% or more disability)
  7. Marking Scheme : 4 marks for each correct response. (2 questions of drawing will carry 70 Marks)
  8. Negative Marking : 1 mark will be deducted for each incorrect response or multi - responses.
Subjects Questions Marks
Chemistry 30 120
Physics 30 120
Mathematics 30 120
Total 90 360

JEE Main Paper II

  1. Courses : It is held for Architecture course (B.Arch).
  2. Number of Questions : It is consisted of 90 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions).
  3. Subjects : The paper will be asked from subjects as Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
  4. Language : Hindi, English (candidates can select while filling the application form)
  5. Mode : It will be commenced via both; online & offline.
  6. Duration : 3 hours. (4 hours for the candidates haying 40% or more disability)
  7. Marking Scheme : 4 marks for each correct response.
  8. Negative Marking : 1 mark will be deducted for each incorrect response or multi-responses.
Subjects Questions Marks
Mathematics 30 120
Aptitude Test 50 200
Drawing Test 02 70
Total 82 390


Syllabus for Paper - I


Physics and Measurement Current Electricity
Kinematics Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
Laws of Motion Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
Work, Energy and Power Electromagnetic Waves
Rotational Motion Optics
Gravitation Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
Properties of Solids and Liquids Atoms and Nuclei
Thermodynamics Electronic Devices
Kinetic Theory of Gases Communication Systems
Oscillations and Waves Experimental Skills


Sets, Relations and Functions Limit, Continuity and Differentiability
Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations Integral Calculus
Matrices and Determinants Differential Equations
Permutations and Combinations Co-Ordinate Geometry
Mathematical Induction Three Dimensional Geometry
Binomial Theorem Vector Algebra
Sequences and Series Statistics and Probability
Trigonometry Mathematical Reasoning


Some Basic concepts in Chemistry p - Block Elements
States of Matter d and f — Block Elements
Atomic Structure Co-ordination Compounds
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Environmental Chemistry
Chemical Thermodynamics Purification and Characterization of Organic Compounds
Solutions Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry
Equilibrium Hydrocarbons
Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry Organic Compounds Containing Halogens
Chemical Kinetics Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen
Surface Chemistry Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Polymers
General Principles and Process of Isolation of Metals Bio Molecules
Hydrogen Chemistry in Everyday Life
Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals) Principles Related to Practical Chemistry

Syllabus for Paper - II

Part A :

Objects, Texture related to Architecture and build environment. Visualizing three dimensional objects from two dimensional drawings. Awareness of persons, places, Buildings, Materials. Different sides of three dimensional objects. Visualizing. Analytical Reasoning Mental Ability (Visual, Numerical and Verbal).

Part B :

Design and drawing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pencil. Three dimensional — perception: Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportion of objects, building forms and elements, colour texture, harmony and contrast. Creating two dimensional and three dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms. Transformation of forms both 2 D and 3 D union, subtraction, rotation, development of surfaces and volumes, Generation of Plan, elevations and 3 D views of objects. Landscape (river fronts, jungles. gardens, trees, plants etc.) and rural life, sketching of scenes and activities from memory of urban space (public space, market, festivals, street scenes, monuments, recreational spaces etc).

Number of Attempt :

The number of attempts which a candidate can avail at JEE (Main) shall be limited to 03 (three).

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Joint Entrance Examination (JEE Main & JEE Adv) - Download Prospectus from here


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